Recently, my project required me to implement an image gallery which has the layout look like Google Image Search, Flickr Explore, Google Plus Photo Gallery. They have a really nice looking gallery, with images aligned without croping, re-ordering, and the images scale by its ratio.

I wonder how they did that, and after some investigation on the internet, i found a very nice solution. Which i will share with you here.


##The Algorithm

###Initial Images initial

Let say we have 3 images, width size w1xh1, w2xh2, w3xh3 corespondingly. We want to align them in one line.

###Expected Alignment Expected

The container width is known, now we have to find w1’xh1’, w2’xh2’, w3’xh3'.

The trick is: all the images of the same row are have the same height.

Which mean h1' = h2' = h3'

Appling some basic maths lead us to the Formular

###The Formular The Formular

###How many images should fit in one row? How many images?

Imagine that we have n images. We have to define a threshold maxHeight for the height, says i dont’ want any of the row has the height more than that. What we have to do then is to make the choice:

  • start x = 1
  • Extract x images from the array
  • calculate h
  • if h < maxHeight then put those images into the row
  • otherwise, increase counting x = x + 1, then start over again

##See it in action

I’ve implemented a small library on my github account to help you achive this easily. If you want to understand more about the implementation, pls take a look into the code. If you have any suggestion, don’t hesitate writing me a comment.