###The Reavealing Module Pattern
//define your app's namespace
var app = app || {};
//your module inside 'app' namespace
var app.myModule = (function ($) {
// 'this' refers to global window
//private variable
var secret = {
message: 'I am pretty awesome'
//private function
var _tellTheSecret = function() {
return secret.message;
//public function
function init() {
//init the module base on the present of the element on the page
if ($('#some-element').length) {
//your initialize code here
// variables and functions private unless attached to API below
// define the public API
var API = {};
API.init = init;
return API;
###JQuery Plugin Boilerplate
;(function($) {
// wrap code within anonymous function: a private namespace
// replace 'MyPlugin' and 'myplugin' below in your own plugin...
// constructor function for the logical object bound to a
// single DOM element
function MyPlugin(elem, options) {
// remember this object as self
var self = this;
// remember the DOM element that this object is bound to
self.$elem = $(elem);
// default options
var defaults = {
msg: "You clicked me!"
// mix in the passed-in options with the default options
self.options = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
// just some private data
self.count = 1;
// initialize this plugin
function init() {
// set click handler
// private click handler
function click_handler(event) {
alert(self.options.msg + " " + self.count);
self.count += 1;
// public method to change msg
function change_msg(msg) {
self.options.msg = msg;
// define the public API
var API = {};
API.change_msg = change_msg;
return API;
// attach the plugin to jquery namespace
$.fn.myplugin = function(options) {
return this.each(function() {
// prevent multiple instantiation
if (!$(this).data('myplugin'))
$(this).data('myplugin', new MyPlugin(this, options));