You can pass multiple controller in to the require property while declaring a directive

{% highlight javascript %} app.directive(‘myDirective’, function () { return{ restrict: “A”, require:[’^parentDirective’, ‘^ngModel’], link: function ($scope, $element, $attrs, controllersArr) {

  // parentDirective controller

  // ngModel controller

} }); {% endhighlight %}

Want to use controllerAs syntax for your child directive, but still want to access parent directive’s controller?

{% highlight javascript %} app.directive(‘myDirective’, function () { return{ restrict: “A”, require:[’^parentDirective’, ‘myDirective’], controller: ‘myDirectiveController’, controllerAs: ‘childVm’, link: function ($scope, $element, $attrs, ctrls) { var parentCtrl = ctrls[0];

    var childVm = ctrls[1];

    // and do stuffs

} }); {% endhighlight %}