P/S: you can still download the extension & install it yourself (version 1.2.14)



Here is the email from Google:

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Dear Developer,

Your Google Chrome item, “UpNext Music Player,” with ID: dgkfcdlmdppfhbfmooinbcejdaplobpk did not comply with our policies and was removed from the Google Chrome Web Store.

Your item did not comply with the following section of our policy:

We don’t allow products or services that facilitate unauthorized access to content on websites, such as circumventing paywalls or login restrictions. We also don’t allow products or services that encourage, facilitate, or enable the unauthorized access, download, or streaming of copyrighted content or media.

If you’d like to re-submit your item, please make the appropriate changes to the item so that it complies with our policies, then re-publish it in your developer dashboard. Please reply to this email for issues regarding this item removal.

*Please keep in mind that your re-submitted item will not be immediately published live in the store. All re-submitted items undergo a strict compliance review and will be re-published if the item passes review.

*Important Note Repeated or egregious violations in the store may result in your developer account being banned from the store. This may also result in the suspension of related Google services associated with your Google account. All re-submitted items will continue to be subject to Chrome Web Store policies and terms of service.

Thank you for your cooperation, Google Chrome Web Store team

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